Fujii-dera Temple, Osaka

Located in the outskirts of Osaka, Fujii-dera is the fifth temple on the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage and famous for its thousand-armed Kannon. It's a good place to see wisteria blossom from April to May.

Fujiidera temple

Fujiidera Temple hondo.

Fujiidera Temple Wisteria

Wisteria in bloom at Fujii-dera Temple.

Fujiidera Temple Wisteria Courtyard

Wisteria in the courtyard.

Fujiidera Temple Wisteria Trellis

Wisteria in the courtyard.

Fujiidera Temple Wisteria Plaques

Wisteria beside the hondo.

The temple's Senju Kannon is displayed on April 18 and a celebration takes place in which priests throw o-mochi (glutinous rice balls wrapped in plastic) to worshippers for good luck.

Fujiidera Temple Praying

Worshippers face the hondo and pray to Kannon.

Fujiidera Temple Omochi

Priests throw omochi to worshippers.