Known as Ono in The Tale of Genji, the rural area of Ohara is where Ukifune retires to a nunnery. In Heian times, Ono streched down the western side of Mount Hiei as far as the site of Shugaku-in imperial villa, northeast of Kyoto.
The valley leading up to Jakko-in.
The area is also widely known as the location of Jakko-in, as described in the final scenes of The Tale of the Heike.
Stone image on the moss at Sanzen-in.
The Ritsu River flows past the tombs of exiled emperors Go-Toba and Juntoku.
Tombs of exiled emperors Go-Toba and Juntoku.
Rural Ohara.
Cherry blossom by the river at Ohara.
Persimmons growing wild beside the road to Amidaji.
Cherry blossom by the river at Ohara.
Path down from Mount Suitai to the valley.
The valley near Mount Suitai in Ohara.