The Royal Outing chapter of The Tale of Genji begins with the words: "Genji would like to have put Tamakazura's affairs in order, but the Silent Waterfall of his longing produced complications."
The Silent Waterfall near Raigo-in in Ohara.
According to legend, monks from nearby Raigo-in came to compete with this waterfall on the Ro River in Ohara as part of their training in shomyo chanting. One version of the story says that the monk Ennin was unable to hear himself singing so he put a spell on the falls to silence them. Another version says he rearranged the shape of the falls' boulder to soften the sound.
Silent Waterfall.
Path leading down from the Silent Waterfall past Raigo-in.
Path to the Silent Waterfall near Raigo-in in Ohara.
Side gate of Sanzen-in on the path to the Silent Waterfall.